Friday, September 9, 2011

And It's On..

Our latest post and much has happened. So, let's start from where we last left.

Well, we couldn't leave it until the last minute to book my tickets because they would get too expensive and possibly have no availabilities before class starts, so we had to strike some agreement with the Slovenian embassy. And we did..

It's expected that my permit will arrive anytime next week, to which I can simply pick it up and head straight off to Ljubljana the following weekend.

Yes, I have booked my tickets. At long last. And it feels like a relief in a way. Now I have a date to work with.

Well I had a helpful hand from Marty at the STA travel agency who helped me look for the cheapest flights to Ljubljana. It wasn't cheap, but no flight to Europe was. Just edging $AU 1,200 including the connecting flight from Frankfurt to Ljubljana. From personal experience, this wasn't bad and was as cheap as it was going to get.

Our date is Sunday the 18th of September. That's it. Locked in. The countdown begins.

And now its time to start striking off all the rest on my pre-departure 'to do' list. And it seems as though the more days pass, the longer this list gets. Mobile phone, register travel itinerary with my uni, accommodation, packing and financial arrangements to name a few off the top of my head.

The travel itinerary is done. A few simple steps to follow from the booklet handed out at the pre-departure session our uni held for us. Lucky I had kept the booklet too.

Mobile phone still needs to be sorted before I go but that can wait for now.

Packing is no problem. I have my suitcase, with special thanks from my brother who was generous enough to lend it for the trip. Only a matter of washing the clothes before taking them (another chore). More or less I do have an idea of what I will take.

As for access to my money from overseas, I've been taken great care of by some lovely staff at my local branch. Still thinking about whether to open my own account in Ljubljana or not but nonetheless is sorted and only needs to be finalised prior to flying. Easy done.

And as for accommodation, well.. probably worthy of a separate post there.

So. What now? Well. I'm 9 days away. It's very close but, life just seems to continue as normal. I was expecting a bit more excitement or anxiety by now but it's almost business as usual. I am blaming it on my focus of attention being on what needs to be done first, rather than at the thought of travelling so soon. Does this work to my favour? Most likely. Maybe it will all hit me after I have stopped stressing and finished all that needs to be done. One thing is for sure, the departure date has definetly snuck up on me..

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